Swim Coaching

Swimming is one of the most satisfying sports - great for your heart, your health, your stamina, and your well-being. A swimmer burns more calories than athletes in most other sports. Almost every part of your body is engaged. It's a coordination of your arms, legs, core, balance, breathing and efficiency.

Swimming effectively is more about streamlining yourself and minimizing drag than about pushing water as fast as you can. The fastest swimmers get across the pool in FEWER strokes than their competitors.

The average untrained swimmer uses 25 or more strokes to swim 25 yards. With proper coaching, you can cut that stroke count in half. Imagine yourself getting across a 25-yard or 25-meter pool in 12 strokes!

For triathletes, that means saving 50% more energy for the next event! For a marathon or recreational swimmer, it means a longer and more efficient workout.

Swim coaching can benefit adults, seniors, teenagers, and children. It's a must for the triathletes who want to get their swim on!

Ready to swim? Click here to learn what to bring with you to the pool.

Not only do we coach... we swim and SCUBA dive, too! Want to learn more? Click here.