What To Bring To Swim

Form-fitting Swim Attire
The less drag, the better! Speedo and Tyr make excellent swim attire.

Swim Cap
If you have very short hair or a shaved head, a cap is optional! Check out the collection available at Sports Authority. 

You will need goggles that fit well. The goggles must be eye goggles only; not the full SCUBA diving-type mask that covers your nose. Here are some examples of the correct goggles: 

Nose Clip
Optional. Take a look at the ones at the Swim Outlet link below. Nose clips can also be purchased at Sports Authority. I have pairs available for $5, if you prefer. 

Ear Plugs
Optional. Check out the ear plugs or ear putty at the Swim Outlet link below. These can also be purchased at Sports Authority. 

Bring a couple!

Bring at least 2 bottles of water. I have a backup supply if you forget. Hydration is very important, even when you're in the water!

Flip-flops and a Warm T-shirt or Parka

Most Important: Your Passion!
Bring your passion to learn and become a better swimmer! I recommend watching Olympic Medalists Michael Phelps and Dara Torres. Click their names to see videos of them!